
DVD logo programming.

Ok, so I watched a tiny clip of this youtube video: and I am now curious about some of the math of the dvd logo thing.

Let’s add names to things. First of all, let’s call the width of the dvd box w and the height h . Then let’s call the initial x coordinate x0 and y coordinate y0 (the top left of the box.) . Then we also add a velocity and call the elements vx and vy. I think a good challenge is to create a formula which returns the amount of time it takes for the box to hit the corner. Let’s get to coding!

Here is my initial code, which simulates the box bouncing around:

import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class DVDLogo:
    def __init__(self, width, height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy) -> None: # Constructor.
        # This is needed, because if we didn't have this, then with box_width = 1 would actually be two spots wide.
        box_height -= 1
        box_width -= 1
        assert box_height >= 0
        assert box_width >= 0
        # These are the area width and height
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        # These are the width and height of the actual dvd logo.
        self.box_width = box_width
        self.box_height = box_height

        # Sanity checking. The total erea must be smaller than the dvd logo
        assert self.width >= self.box_width
        assert self.height >= self.box_height 

        self.x0 = x0
        self.y0 = y0
        self.vx = vx
        self.vy = vy
        # This is the actual current position.
        self.x = x0
        self.y = y0

        # This is needed to make the plot interactive
    def check_coords(self) -> None: # This updates the stuff when we are about to go over the line.
        # First check for negative shit.
        box_right = self.x + self.box_width # This is the x coordinate of the right side of the box
        if self.x < 0: # Can not go negative. This is the left side.
            over_amount = abs(self.x) # How much do we go over?
            self.vx *= -1 # Bounce.
            self.x = over_amount # If we are just beside the wall, and we go towards the wall three units, then go backwards three units.
        elif box_right >= self.width:
            # Same thing.
            over_amount = (box_right)  - self.width + 1 # + 1 , because reasons.
            print("over_amount == "+str(over_amount))
            self.vx *= -1
            #self.x = self.width - over_amount
            self.x = self.x - over_amount - 1 # - 1 , because shit reasons
        # Now check the y shit.
        box_bottom = self.y + self.box_height
        if self.y < 0: # Can not go negative.
            over_amount = abs(self.y) # We went over by this amount.
            self.y = over_amount
            self.vy *= -1
        elif box_bottom >= self.height:
            over_amount = (box_bottom)  - self.height + 1
            self.vy *= -1
            self.y = self.y - over_amount - 1 # - 1 , because shit reasons
    def update(self) -> None:
        # Goes forward in time for one unit of time (one time step)
        # Update position.
        self.x += self.vx
        self.y += self.vy
        # Check for x and y collision.
    def to_bool_mat(self) -> None: # This returns a boolean matrix which is then rendered.
        matrix = [[0 for _ in range(self.width)] for _ in range(self.height)]
        # Now draw the box.
        for y in range(self.y, self.y+self.box_height+1): # Go over each line.
            for x in range(self.x, self.x+self.box_width+1): # Go over each fucking shit.
                matrix[y][x] = 1 # Set as one.
        matrix = list(reversed(matrix)) # This is to make the y coordinate increment UPWARDS not downwards.
        return matrix
    def render(self) -> None:
        render_mat = self.to_bool_mat()
        plt.imshow(render_mat, cmap="gray")

#def cur_pos(t, width, height, x0, y0, vx, vy, box_width, box_height) -> tuple: # Returns the position after t time steps.

DELAY = 0.1

def main() -> int:

    area_width = 10
    area_height = 10
    x0 = 0
    y0 = 0
    vx = 1
    vy = 1
    box_width = 3
    box_height = 2

    # __init__(self, width, height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy)

    logo = DVDLogo(area_width, area_height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy) # Create the object.
    # main loop
    while True:
        print("Here is the x coordinate: "+str(logo.x))

    return 0

if __name__=="__main__":

Now, let’s try to create the equations which gives us the time it takes to reach a corner. We need to create an equation which takes the parameters and then spits out the position after n timesteps.

Ok, so we need to define the winning condition. One thing which complicates this shit is that the velocity in each direction can be more than one so I don’t think we can just check the current coordinates. Let’s just ignore that shit for now.

Ok, so let’s create a formula for the solution.

Let’s ignore the walls for now.

Therefore the position after n timesteps is: (x0+n*vx, y0+n*vy) . After a bit of looking around, I came across this video: which explains the mathematics.

I came up with this when I watched the video:

def check_satisfiability(width, height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy) -> bool: # This checks if the box will hit the corner.
    a = x0
    b = y0
    x = width
    y = height
    if vx >= 0:
        # x * k1 + y * k2 = a - b
        z = a - b
        # Diophantine equation solving.
        # Let x, y and z be integers.
        # Then if z is a multiple of gcd(x,y) in x * k1 + y * k2 = z , then a solution exists.
        #print("math.gcd(x,y) == "+str(math.gcd(x,y)))
        #print("z == "+str(z))
        if math.gcd(x,y) % z == 0:
            return True
        z = a + b
        if math.gcd(x,y) % z == 0:
            return True
    return False # Otherwise no solution.

but it doesn’t work. It always returns true. Now, I don’t really know where the problem arises, so let’s get to debugging.

I think the reason for why it doesn’t work is because I have the gcd and the z shit the wrong way around.

It should be this: z % math.gcd(x,y) . After doing this quick little change, there is still a bit of a bug.

Here is the final code:

import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import random

class DVDLogo:
    def __init__(self, width, height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy) -> None: # Constructor.
        # This is needed, because if we didn't have this, then with box_width = 1 would actually be two spots wide.
        box_height -= 1
        box_width -= 1
        assert box_height >= 0
        assert box_width >= 0
        # These are the area width and height
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        # These are the width and height of the actual dvd logo.
        self.box_width = box_width
        self.box_height = box_height

        # Sanity checking. The total erea must be smaller than the dvd logo
        assert self.width >= self.box_width
        assert self.height >= self.box_height 

        self.x0 = x0
        self.y0 = y0
        self.vx = vx
        self.vy = vy
        # This is the actual current position.
        self.x = x0
        self.y = y0

        # This is needed to make the plot interactive
    def check_coords(self) -> None: # This updates the stuff when we are about to go over the line.
        # First check for negative shit.
        box_right = self.x + self.box_width # This is the x coordinate of the right side of the box
        if self.x < 0: # Can not go negative. This is the left side.
            over_amount = abs(self.x) # How much do we go over?
            self.vx *= -1 # Bounce.
            self.x = over_amount # If we are just beside the wall, and we go towards the wall three units, then go backwards three units.
        elif box_right >= self.width:
            # Same thing.
            over_amount = (box_right)  - self.width + 1 # + 1 , because reasons.
            print("over_amount == "+str(over_amount))
            self.vx *= -1
            #self.x = self.width - over_amount
            self.x = self.x - over_amount - 1 # - 1 , because shit reasons
        # Now check the y shit.
        box_bottom = self.y + self.box_height
        if self.y < 0: # Can not go negative.
            over_amount = abs(self.y) # We went over by this amount.
            self.y = over_amount
            self.vy *= -1
        elif box_bottom >= self.height:
            over_amount = (box_bottom)  - self.height + 1
            self.vy *= -1
            self.y = self.y - over_amount - 1 # - 1 , because shit reasons
    def update(self) -> None:
        # Goes forward in time for one unit of time (one time step)
        # Update position.
        self.x += self.vx
        self.y += self.vy
        # Check for x and y collision.
    def to_bool_mat(self) -> None: # This returns a boolean matrix which is then rendered.
        matrix = [[0 for _ in range(self.width)] for _ in range(self.height)]
        # Now draw the box.
        for y in range(self.y, self.y+self.box_height+1): # Go over each line.
            for x in range(self.x, self.x+self.box_width+1): # Go over each fucking shit.
                matrix[y][x] = 1 # Set as one.
        matrix = list(reversed(matrix)) # This is to make the y coordinate increment UPWARDS not downwards.
        return matrix
    def render(self) -> None:
        render_mat = self.to_bool_mat()
        plt.imshow(render_mat, cmap="gray")
    def check_winning(self) -> bool: # This checks if the box is in the corner. We need to take into account that the velocity is greater than one. (We advance multiple spots.)
        pos = (self.x, self.y)
        winning_positions = [(0,0), (self.width - self.box_width - 1, self.height - self.box_height - 1), (0, self.height - self.box_height - 1), (self.width - self.box_width - 1, 0)]
        return pos in winning_positions

# This next function checks if the logo will actually hit the corner or not.

def check_satisfiability(width, height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy) -> bool: # This checks if the box will hit the corner.
    a = x0
    b = y0
    x = width
    y = height
    if vx >= 0:
        # x * k1 + y * k2 = a - b
        z = a - b
        # Diophantine equation solving.
        # Let x, y and z be integers.
        # Then if z is a multiple of gcd(x,y) in x * k1 + y * k2 = z , then a solution exists.
        #print("math.gcd(x,y) == "+str(math.gcd(x,y)))
        #print("z == "+str(z))
        if z % math.gcd(x,y) == 0:
            return True
        z = a + b
        if z % math.gcd(x,y) == 0:
            return True
    return False # Otherwise no solution.

#def cur_pos(t, width, height, x0, y0, vx, vy, box_width, box_height) -> tuple: # Returns the position after t time steps.

DELAY = 0.1

def main() -> int:

    area_width = 10
    area_height = 10
    x0 = 1
    y0 = 2
    vx = 1
    #vy = -1
    vy = 1
    box_width = 1
    box_height = 1

    # __init__(self, width, height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy)
    # check_satisfiability(width, height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy)

    # First just check the solution shit.

    sol = True

    sol = check_satisfiability(12, 8, 1, 1, 5, 3, 1, 1) # This should return us false.
    print("Here is sol: "+str(sol))
    assert sol == False # Sanity checking.

    sol = True
    while sol:
        # Generate new velocities.
        if area_width <= 0:
            area_width = 10
        if area_height <= 0:
            area_height = 10
        vx = random.randrange(0,area_width)
        vy = random.randrange(0,area_height)
        print("vx: "+str(vx))
        print("vy: "+str(vy))
        area_width = random.randrange(vx, vx+10)
        area_height = random.randrange(vy, vy+10)
        sol = check_satisfiability(area_width, area_height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy)


    #print("Here is the solution: "+str(sol))

    #print("Here is a start velocity which is not solvable: ")
    #print("v0 == "+str(vx))
    #print("vy == "+str(vy))

    logo = DVDLogo(area_width, area_height, box_width, box_height, x0, y0, vx, vy) # Create the object.
    # main loop
    while True:
        print("Here is the x coordinate: "+str(logo.x))
        if logo.check_winning(): # Check if win

    return 0

if __name__=="__main__":

You can also take a look at it on github: